
 Plenary Council

Pastoral Letter on the Fifty Plenary Council of the Catholic Church in Australia


Strengthening and Revitalising Parishes. Parish Renewal Implementation Group
The Parish Renewal Implementation Group (PRIG) has the responsibility for implementing the vision, strategies and actions for Strengthening and Revitalising Parishes, one of the seven Key Priority Areas of the Archdiocesan Plan Perth, WA 2016-2021. Find out more:


The Archdiocesan Centre for Liturgy provides formation and information for parish priests and other members of parish communities and church organisations on all things liturgical and supports parishes conducting the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in order to enrich the spiritual life of the Catholic Church of Perth. Find out more:


ACN Australia

Since 1947, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has supported suffering, oppressed and persecuted Christians. ACN’s mission is to keep the flame of faith alive where it is a risk of being extinguished due to poverty or persecution. ACN supports the Church where she is unable to support herself. You can offer mass through ACN. Find out more:


We are the Catholic Church's international aid and development agency in Australia. We are committed to working alongside the most vulnerable and addressing the imbalance of power by including the people affected in the decisions impacting their lives. Find out more:

The Centre for Faith Enrichment is the official adult faith formation agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. The Centre for Faith Enrichment offers short daytime, evening and weekend courses on a wide range of topics at various locations throughout Perth and online. Find out more: or


Bishop Robert Barron is an author, speaker, theologian, and founder of Word on Fire, a global media ministry. Word on Fire reaches millions of people by utilizing the tools of new media to draw people into or back to the Catholic Faith. Find out more:



Majellan Publications began in 1949 with the first issue of the Majellan magazine. This was published by the Redemptorist Congregation, a religious order, from their community in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.
Majellan Family Magazine is in its 71st year and from the beginning, the magazine has sought to foster family life in a Christian context. It is named after a Redemptorist saint, Gerard Majella, who showed particular care for families during his lifetime and afterwards came to be looked upon by many people as a patron of families in need. Find out more:




To Share the Peace of Christ with the World
The Hebrew word 'Shalom' means Divine Peace. Individuals, families and communities are haunted by unhappiness. The present world is craving for peace which can only be found in Jesus. The mission of Shalom is to impart this peace of Christ to the world through media evangelization. Find out more: