Proclaimers / Commentators


The Word of God is a living word. Through it God speaks to humanity in a way that evokes a response by the hearer.

The proclamation of the Word is one of the ways in which Jesus is present in the celebration of the Eucharist. The work lives in the proclamation but it is not truly effective unless I enters the hearts of those present and influences their every action.

Readers have a vital role in enabling the listening process. Their great love of Scripture and a feeling of being at home with the stories will ensure the word can be proclaimed with conviction and enthusiasm. It needs to be heard.

Bishop Don Sproxton
March 2008

Proclaimers and psalmists have a responsibility to proclaim the readings and it is important that they carry out their ministry so that the people develop a warm living love for the Work of God. To read effectively; it is not enough to just pronounce the words on the page clearly for all to understand. To proclaim is to make the text come alive and elicit a response from those listening.

Readers also need to be prepared spiritually for this ministry. Preparation is not completed on becoming a minister of the Word; it is an ongoing process that deepens the reader’s understanding of and love for the Word of God throughout their lives.

Live and Proclaim God’s Word handbook

Archdiocese of Perth
Western Australia

Levinia Kotey