Garden of Remembrance and Prayer Garden – History

Official Blessing and opening of St Francis of Assisi Parish Prayer Garden

Emeritus Archbishop Barry James Hickey Officially Blessed and Opened the St.Francis of Assisi Parish PRAYER GARDEN on Thursday the 15th August 2013.

The PRAYER GARDEN consists of 3 components:

•    IN MEMORY OF THE UNBORN -- In Memory Of All Children Who Have Died Unborn, Known Only To God. Often children who have died before birth have no grave or headstone, and sometimes not even a name.

•    GROTTO of St Francis of Assisi Parish -- Built and designed by Tom Hogg, who is a very talented and good neighbour from across the road. Together with Parishioner Len Harrison they built the GROTTO & IN MEMORY OF THE UNBORN in about six weeks.

•    The ROSARY PATH -- With brick tiles forming decades of beads, our Rosary Path walkway takes the shape of a rosary, complete with a centrepiece and cross. The original path was built entirely by our Parishioner Len Harrison.

In 2017 the rosary path was renovated based on a design by Tom Hogg that included 5 raised garden beds that were built by Tom Hogg out of stone and planted with roses. New decades were installed and a gravel path with brick borders put in. In the centre a Gazebo was installed – Thanks to many volunteers, especially Tom Hogg, Joe Kaciuba and Maurice Castelli.

The work is ongoing with Tom Hogg as recent as mid 2019 completing a rock wall around the garden of remembrance and planting more roses.