Altar Servers

Altar Servers play a very visible part in the Parish liturgy. Their training and formation programs take place at Parish level. In keeping with the special dignity of this ministry of service within the sanctuary, opportunities for continuing education, reflection and renewal need to be provided by the Parish.

The role of Junior Altar Servers: Boys and Girls:

  • Take part in the procession to and from the sanctuary and assist in areas pertaining to the altar and ambo allocated to them.
  • Assist with the smooth flow of the liturgical rite, enhancing the spirit of worship and prayer.
  • Enable the priest and the congregation to celebrate the Eucharist in a worthy manner.
  • Have made their First Holy Communion. 

 Senior Altar Servers: Men and Women – 17 years or above:

  • Have the same formation at the Junior Altar Servers; and
  • In the absence of an Acolyte for a particular liturgical celebration, a Senior Server does all that is required to facilitate the dignity of the celebration under the supervision of the Parish Priest.

New Altar Servers are always welcome. If you would like to become an Altar Server please contact:

Contact: Emmanuel (Dredd) Semblante - Co-ordinator
Phone:   0406 086 366